Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gas masks, armed policemen, fires blazing

Portland is in a turmoil.  The numbers of the protesters waxes and wanes and waxes to a conclusion that isn't known yet.  The police tell them to leave, denying sound permits and knocking over tents.  The protesters leave then come back.  Someone will go to jail.  This is what a protest looks like.

I brace myself as I anticipate the walk in Maryland.  I need to steel myself for hecklers, an unfriendly police presence, bad weather. A couple of days ago I was just focused on wearing the right shoes.

But I need to keep in mind the many supporters delivering food, water, money, even, to the walkers/protesters.  There are many out there supporting this movement, some behind the scenes, some out front.

I walk to put my face on this movement, too.  I'm a fifty year old former librarian, not the typical profile of a protester.  But this movement is about all us, from all walks of life, the 99%.  I have a good life, but I am walking for those who don't:  no insurance, working three jobs without benefits from any, those who can't make a living wage. This isn't sustainable.

Visit the following link if you'd like some historical perspective:

And thanks for checking in.

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