Friday, November 18, 2011

Nineteen miles, but who's counting?

It's a good day to be an American! I met amazing people today, good citizens of every stripe: a man who'd served in the Vietnam War and was on his 12th day of the march; a man who'd served eight years in the Navy and had come home recently from war; several history buffs; a woman who spoke her mind in the face of challenges to her natural leadership abilities; a young janitor who is an aspiring photographer.

Some of the people I met weren't marching, but supported us by delivering hot chocolate and PBJs; snack bars and water.  Parents brought their young children out to meet us.  A farmer in a pick-up truck and overalls delivered a hand-written letter to us to give to the Congress in Washington when we get there.  There were countless thumbs-up, peace signs and horn honks to let us know we were appreciated.

 About fifteen years ago while working on a presidential campaign, I lost hope for America.  After witnessing a political betrayal so repugnant and stomach-churning, I quit political activism.  I thought my contribution didn't matter.  But the Occupy movement has rekindled hope in me.  People are mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore.  They're getting their voice back, they're demanding change for the better. And my voice is back, too.

I am glad I got to march for that change today and I hope that the Occupy movement is more than a footnote in the march of history.

Check the Links section of this blog for video clips of today's march.

And thanks for checking in....

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